Once you stepped into your career, your working life:
You don't blog, You don't read, You don't smile, and You don't feel like doing anything over the weekends
I know, it's kinda waste of precious time for letting your weekends go just like that, before heading to the same loop on Monday again. I understand the philosophy, just that I need some sort of motivation to keep me proceeding to consistent self-improvements.
Working life has never been busy as I'm working long hours per day to basically catch up and racing with project datelines. Indeed, it's an enormous pressure to keep our engineering designs out to the factory floor in order to keep the dedicated workers busy. It's a fortunate for me become part of the team/family in the small company, where we grow together. Laughters are always present in the office since there is a happy pie keeping us smiling and pumped.
Enough for work, good news is, my grandma came to visit me and my uncle family in Melbourne for a few weeks. It always feels good to see her again, with her sunny smiles and innocent talks. However, she's losing her memory slowly as she tends to forget things easily; her medication routine, her recent actions, but not my name, yet. I guess this is the moment of truth about life cycle, isn't it? Our elders are getting older as the younger ones start to age. Overall, she's still fit and healthy, jumping and walking around like cute little girl.
Nothing is more important than our family, family is always our root, where we're born, raised and belong. Appreciate them and spend time with them regardless how busy you are, because every second counts, and it is irreversible.
And for those who have concerns about my personal life, I have finally met a girl; sweet, nice and understanding. Nothing special on how we both got hooked up, perhaps just the right timing and feeling that brought both of us together. A true relationship shouldn't be complicated like mind-reading games, but just a simple mutual agreement on how a couple decides to walk together, with holding hands, no matter how good or bad the road condition is. A new permanent passenger on my train ride of life :)
That's all I got to update at the moment. It seems like most of my regular blogger friends are being lazy bum too, haha.